29 March 2009

another quick blurb

power cord has been replaced and things are going very good.

well.. some things have been going good. my personal private life is amazing, and my more public social life has been... a mixed bag.

i'm keeping this short, but i expect a few blog posts in the next few days to be posted. it probably won't be ranty, but more explorative.

in movie news: 
although it does not deserve every single 'OMG SEE THIS!!1/ best film evar,' i do recomend Slumdog Millionaire. it was a very good film. that night, however, was not a good night.

i do not, recomend The Watchmen unless you have read the book. It's a 3 hour almost straight adaptation of the comic and what that does is make the movie's pacing suffer...a... lot.

lastly, i watched bill maher's Religulous. it preaches to the athiest crowd, but it offers no other real chalenges as a film. basically a (and this is a massive intentional pun) 'preaching to the choir' piece. it offers a strong arguement against religion if you are an agnostic/athiest/skeptic, but it will not  sway anyone sitting on the fence or anyone who has a belief in a god will see it as an attack. all it really does is act as ground for maher and director larry charles to poke fun at religion and dissect the bad stuff done in it's name. for me, it was funny at times with (maher is funny if you can detach yourself from the subject matter) and slaughters a sacred cow that most people don't dare touch. so for that maher gets an A for the sheer balls and for humor. but for actuall arguement/content, it's get's a C. while maher looks at most religions as morally 'wrong' and dangerous, i view it more as a tool for people who need it. yeah, bad shit is done in it's name, but one on one, religious people are fairly good folk. So for those of you who can laugh at religion/your religion/have no religion, go watch it. for those of you who can't/won't/don't... don't watch it, but don't try to ban the DVD. it's his opinion, and it's our right to consume it if we wish to.

in the next few days, you will see a blog on fiscal policy, another dealing with 'terrorism,' and one on some very nostalgic stuff from my childhood.

keep safe, eat your veggies.