22 May 2009

quick blurb

the california state supreme court will issue an opinion regarding the constitutionality of Prop 8 on may 26th at 10 am local time.

Prop 8's passage prohibitied Gay and Lesbian couples from marrying/recognizing any marriage between homosexuals in the state of California by amending the State's constitution by having the phrase "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." be included.

The thing is this due to the seperation of Church and State, any religious group (which is mostly the reasoning people are supporting prop 8; on moral/religious grounds) does not have to marry nor recognize married homosexual couples. Just how a Catholic run hospital doesn't have to do vasectomies, birth control or historectomies, churches would not have to marry the gays. the state run offices will issue marraige certificates; and the couple is married. much like how it works elsewhere. the church stuff has no legal bearing outside of church stuff.

I'm still just stumped on how and why people can justify this kind of action as anything but restricting someone else's rights. GLBT is a lifestyle choice, just like vegitarians, religious beliefs and golfing. We don't ban all golfers from marraige, and golfers (much like the gays) don't try to presuade you to 'join their team' unless you've expressed an interest in the sport previously. 

Maybe this is just another case of me missing the point; but i don't think so. i think i hit it on the head.

this isn't meant as an attack on religion, or an attack on morals; this is nothing but the same mindset of civil rights, and the right to worship what you want. this is called 'respect for others'. i believe you have every right to protest, complain, try to convice gays that they are 'wrong' (as long as it's not hate speach/intimidation); but you have no right to take away their persuit of happyness, nor rights to privacy and equal protection under the law.

so, if california upholds Prop 8, expect a very graphic and long winded rant on wednesday; if california rejects the constiutionality of prop 8, expect a rant on another topic.

1 comment:

  1. I'm freaking pissed and heartsick. Gah!!


Keep it relevant to the topic at hand, folks.