21 February 2009


have not updated the blog due to a powercord mishap. things will be back to normal 'soon.'

tonight i am catching slumdog millionaire with jen, meg, amber and amiee. and foods.

possible review for that coming up.

also in the pipeline, a blog on true fiscal conservatism and how to actually restart our 'economy', an amusing review on shows we thought were funny, and the ups and downs of twitter.

i've been reading house of leaves again. been having some fucked up dreams because of it.

hope you all are safe and sound.

see you back here soon.


  1. Safe and sound, hun! Hope the power cord situation remedies itself.

    If you have time, I really would like your input on my recent post here on my Blogger.

  2. You, sir, have redefined 'soon' for me.


Keep it relevant to the topic at hand, folks.