14 February 2009

Rupert Murdoch can rim my asshole clean.

(just so i don't get sued, this entire post is in sarcasm)

Seriously, the old man who owns (through a giant media company) myspace can rim my asshole nice and slow.

In case you didn't know myspace (dot) com is full of Bad Hair, pedophiles, shitty bands, tools,and is one of the top social networking sites. Facebook recently has taken myspace's throne as shittest largest social networking site. Facebook has it's disadvantages, but in general doesn't have the spam (other than fucking app requests) that seems to permeate through myspace's teen angst ridden pores. Seriously, I delete spam messages and friend requests on average of twice a day. My very unused hotmail account doesnt get that much spam on average. And I've signed up for PORN using that address!

So why all the ire, and venom and hate, you ask?
Let's take a look....
That's right! Mysack has declaired my BLOG a PHISHING SCAM! This blog is a motherfucking phishing scam! I want your passwords and your money! Muhahahaha!

This blog will curve your spine, infect your soul, and keep the country from winning the war (George Carlin tribute/homage/reference)(Kentuckistan would be a wonderful name for a foreign power)!

I'm active, to a point, on a few different social networking sites; and if you look hard enough, you can find me.

I don't want to friend Tawney and Sheenah, I don't need to read chain letters in bullitens, I don't want my time to be wasted. I like my friends, I like silly surveys, I like being in the loop. But I'm sick of the bullshit. First from the majority of its users, now from the site itself.

My message for Rupert and the idiots working for myspace tag my blog as phishing spam... let me let George Carlin sum up my feelings.

I don't have pet peeves, I have major psychotic fucking hatreds, okay?

1 comment:

  1. Good write up on Marilyn Manson. This whole site is lame though. Also, your profile and "Destroying Your World View" is really stupid. Really lame dude.


Keep it relevant to the topic at hand, folks.